Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bryan Added to Big WWE Event, JR Talks Locker Room & CM Punk, Rally Video

- Daniel Bryan has been added to the March 8th WWE live event at Madison Square Garden.
- Jim Ross recently did a lengthy interview with Newsday and talked about the CM Punk situation:
“This whole locker room has a different feel to it, and a different — they’re not as edgy as the Attitude Era locker room. They’re not as competitive. I don’t know that they’re as hungry. But now, CM Punk is different. [Compared with] today’s corporate wrestler, CM Punk is a little bit of a rogue. And I don’t mean that in a negative way.”
“Over the last two of three years, he’s been my favorite WWE performer to watch in the ring, without question. He would’ve been a huge star in the Attitude Era, without question. Here’s the deal: He’s a very cerebral guy, who has an old-school spirit, that really cares about every aspect of the business. I think that he needed time off, ample time off, to recharge his batteries. I think he has, for lack of a better term, a major case of burnout. And I think the problem should have been recognized and addressed much earlier than letting it get to a head and him being so frustrated and such a sense of hopelessness that he decided to go home. Walking away from a problem is never a solution. Never. Solve the problem.” 
- Alicia Fox, Titus O’Neil and Big Show held an anti-bullying rally in Miami yesterday:

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