Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Triple H Wants an Apology, Talks Evolution, Daniel Bryan and More

- As seen below, Triple H is back doing his weekly interviews with Michael Cole after being away for over a month. Below are some highlights:
* He said a lot of people will see Daniel Bryan getting a fluke win at WrestleMania XXX but some will see it as Bryan being what he says he is – an A+ player. Triple H says if Bryan wants to be treated as an A+ player, he’s going to get his wish.
* When it comes to Stephanie McMahon bringing the monster Kane back, he says she is an excellent motivator and sometime the best way to control an inferno is to just let it burn everything in its path.
* Regarding The Shield, he says they have had a tremendous run but crossed a line, found out what real power is and were humbled by it. He says this doesn’t have to go any further. He’s willing to forget it and write it off as The Shield spreading their wings if they want to come crawling back at his feet and say they are sorry. He’s giving them until Friday’s SmackDown to apologize or the story will have a different ending.
* He said Evolution is back because of power and to prove a point.

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