Friday, May 2, 2014

Gail Kim Says She Felt Like WWE Wanted Her Life, Talks WWE-TNA, More

Here are a few highlights Gail Kim’s recent appearance on Jim Ross’ podcast:
Women joining pro wrestling but don’t actually want to wrestle: “Well, Christy Hemme transitioned. She’s still in this business in a different form but she’s always had passion and always been respectful.”
Differences between WWE and TNA: “I feel like WWE, they want you to give your life to them. They want you to eat, sleep, drink everything wrestling and that’s fine for someone early in their lifetime. I was always nurtured in TNA with my talent and they saw my talent and gave me that spotlight and that platform where as with WWE I felt like they wanted everyone to feel scared for their jobs.”
Wrestlemania 25 Diva Battle Royal: “We didn’t really have time to go through 25 girls in the match! I wasn’t supposed to get eliminated when I did. Victoria was standing on the apron and we had this thing planned. I hit her and eliminated myself early.”

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