Tuesday, June 3, 2014

WWE Main Event Results - June 3rd 2014

Tonight’s WWE Main Event from Cincinnati opens up with WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett comes out to the ring for a promo. Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton are on commentary.

Barrett talks about retaining his title over Rob Van Dam at Payback. Barrett says he hit RVD in the head so hard he became delusional. Barrett says RVD managed to get a pin on him on RAW but only because Cesaro walked out on him. Barrett rips RVD and says he loses just a little bit more grey matter from his pea-sized brain every time he gets hit. Barrett mocks RVD now. Barrett goes on and talks about putting RVD down tonight. RVD runs in from the crowd and they go at it. RVD sends Barrett to the floor and they have words. Fans chant for RVD as his music hits.

- Goldust and Cody Rhodes are shown backstage. We go to Network promos.
- We get a look at Daniel Bryan, Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon from Payback and RAW.

Kofi Kingston and Goldust vs. Erick Rowan and Luke Harper
We come back and out comes Goldust with Kofi Kingston, his partner picked by Cody Rhodes. Out next comes Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. Goldust starts off with Rowan. Goldust gets in Rowan’s face and blows. Rowan takes his sheep mask off and they go at it.
Kofi tags in and they double team Rowan. Rowan and Kofi go at it now. Kofi with another dropkick. Rowan eats right hands in the corner and a big uppercut. Goldust tags back in for more double teaming. We see Cody watching backstage as Harper comes in and goes at it with Kofi now. Kofi drops Harper for a 2 count. Harper nails a big dropkick and covers for 2. Chaos breaks out but The Wyatts take back control. We go to Network promos.
We come back and Harper is working over Goldust. Rowan tags in with a big leg drop for another 2 count. Goldust tries to rally but Rowan beat him back down. Harper comes back in and knocks Kofi off the apron. Goldust makes a comeback and takes out Harper. Kofi tags in with a top rope forearm on Harper. Kofi unloads on Harper and nails a dropkick. Kofi nails the Boom Drop. Rowan gets on the apron and Kofi decks him. Kofi goes for a crossbody but Harper boots him out of the air for a 2 count as Goldust makes the save. Harper tosses Goldust to the floor. Harper goes for a suplex but Kofi lands on his feet. Kofi with a hurricanrana to send Harper out. Kofi runs the ropes and leaps out onto Harper. Kofi brings it back in the ring and gos to the top and hits a crossbody for 2 as Rowan breaks the pin. Goldust comes in and sends Rowan to the floor. Harper knocks Goldust off the apron. Kofi rolls Harper up for 2. Harper blocks Trouble In Paradise with a big clothesline for the win.
Winners: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan

- After the match, we see Cody watching backstage and he’s frustrated. We also see Bray Wyatt’s empty rocking chair at ringside.
- Still to come, RVD vs. Barrett. Renee Young is backstage with RVD now. RVD says everyone knows how cool he is but Barrett is is taking coolness for weakness. RVD says he’s completely confident every time he steps into the ring and always will be. RVD says he’s the whole damn show and always will be. At the end of the day, he’s bringing the IC Title home, he says. We go to more Network commercials and replays from RAW.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Bad News Barrett
Tony Chimel does formal ring introductions and we get ready to go.
Lots of back and forth early on. They end up going to the floor. RVD leaps off the apron and takes Barrett down but they both land hard. RVD brings it back in for a 2 count. RVD with shoulder thrusts in the corner and a big boot to the throat. RVD ends up out on the floor as the referee counts and we go to more commercials.
We come back and Barrett is working RVD over. Barrett works RVD over on the ropes with knees. Barrett drops RVD with a big boot to the face and RVD falls back to the floor. Barrett slams RVD face first into the steel steps and brings him back in for a 2 count. Barrett with a big elbow drop from the second rope for another 2 count. RVD starts to make a comeback but Barrett clotheslines him out of mid-air. Barrett with a headlock as fans chant RVD’s name. Barrett misses a big boot in the corner and gets hung up before hitting the mat. RVD with clotheslines and a big kick now. RVD nails Rolling Thunder and covers for a 2 count. More back and forth. Barrett nails Winds of Change for another 2 count. Barrett misses a splash in the corner. RVD drops him with a kick to the head. RVD goes to the top for the Five Star Frogsplash but Barrett knocks him off. Barrett readies for the Bullhammer but Cesaro runs in from under the ring and attacks Barrett for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Bad News Barrett

- Cesaro drops Barrett with a Neutralizer. We see Paul Heyman looking on from the stage as Cesaro lays out RVD with a Neutralizer. Cesaro joins Heyman on the ramp. Heyman tells him that was nicely done and Cesaro’s music hits. They look on at the ring and laugh at RVD and Barrett. Main Event goes off the air.

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