Thursday, April 17, 2014

WWE Legend The Latest Victim Of A Death Hoax

The website recently posted a story which stated that WWE Legend The Undertaker had been found dead in his home in Texas by his wife, former WWE Diva Michelle McCool - a story that, according to, had gained "several thousand shares and tens of thousands of pageviews," as many people reportedly believed it to be true.

However, is a satire website that posts fake news stories, and The Undertaker obviously has NOT passed away. The website also went so far as to state that McCool said the following about her husband's "death":
"Being totally honest, I was going into the bedroom feeling completely in the mood. I saw that he was sleeping so I went to wake him and nothing. Not even a hint of him waking up. So I got worried and tried shaking him and shoving him and even hitting him across the back with a folding chair. Nothing working. I checked him breathing and there was a very short breath every few seconds. I called 911 and by the time they got here there was no breathing at all. They fought to bring him back and nothing."
As of this report, there has been no comment from either The Undertaker or McCool regarding this purposely erroneous report, but  will continue to keep you updated as more information becomes available.

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