Monday, January 2, 2017

WWE RAW Results January 2, 2017 "Winner is banned from ringside for the main event Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins"

The bell rings, and Rollins quickly connects with some right hands. Rollins knees him out of the ring and takes him down at ringside with a plancha. Rollins quickly gets him in the ring, but Owens just as quickly rolls out. Rollins floors him with a second plancha. Rollins chops the chest and puts him in the ring before pulling him back out. Owens fights back, but Rollins continues chopping him. Owens quickly knees him and sends him into the barricade. Owens gets in the ring and stomps Rollins while he comes back in. Owens taunts the crowd before punching Rollins in the back of the head. Owens chops the chest, but Rollins comes back with more chops. Owens kicks him and punches him in the midsection. Rollins kicks him back and hits a snapmare. Rollins hits the ropes and kicks him in the chest for a one count. Rollins wrenches the arm and snaps it. Owens punches him down and kicks him in the back. Owens talks some trash and stomps him before taunting the crowd some more. Owens chops him to the corner before sending him to the opposite corner. Rollins quickly boots him in the face and comes off the second rope with a blockbuster neckbreaker for a two count.

We come back from the break to see Rollins trapped in a chin lock. Rollins fights up, but Owens takes him down and connects with a senton splash for a two count. During the commercial, Owens gave him a big DDT. Owens stomps Rollins’ midsection and kicks him in the face. Owens continues to talk trash to him. Rollins punches back at him and hits the ropes, but Owens gives him a back body drop over the top rope. Owens tells the referee to count Rollins out. Rollins gets on the apron, but Owens punches him back to ringside. Owens goes outside and tries for a cannonball against the barricade, but Rollins moves. Both men get back in the ring at six.
They trade chops, punches, and kicks before Owens kicks Rollins in the knee. Owens tries for the Pop-up Powerbomb, but Rollins flies over him and gives him an enzuigiri. Rollins punches some feeling into his knee. Rollins hits a pair of running forearms before Owens avalanches him. Owens goes for a cannonball, but Rollins gives him a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Rollins then follows up with the Sling Blade. Rollins kicks him and goes for a Pedigree, but Owens counters out. Rollins pulls the top rope down to get Owens out of the ring. Rollins then connects with a suicide dive. Rollins knocks Owens into the timekeeper’s area and punches away at him. Rollins gets into the ring and leaves to break the count. When Rollins returns, Owens hits him in the midsection with the ring bell. The referee immediately disqualifies Owens.

Winner by Disqualification: Seth Rollins

Kevin Owens will be banned from ringside for the WWE United States Championship match. Owens is furious over the call. Rollins gives him an enzuigiri and goes for a Pedigree, but Owens gets out of it.

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