Monday, January 2, 2017

WWE RAW Results January 2, 2017 "Cesaro vs. Karl Anderson w/ Luke Gallows"

They lock up, and Anderson applies a waistlock. Cesaro hooks a side headlock, but Anderson whips him off. Cesaro shoulder blocks him down for a one count. Cesaro goes back to a side headlock. Anderson whips him off, drops down, and connects with a clothesline. Anderson goes for a monkey flip, but Cesaro lands on his feet. Anderson hits an arm drag, but Cesaro hooks the head and kips up. Cesaro uppercuts him down and stands over Anderson. Cesaro uppercuts him before having a whip to the corner reversed. Cesaro stomps him in the corner before doing a deadlift gutwrench suplex for a two count. Cesaro hits him in the back of the head for another two count. Anderson drops him on the apron, but Cesaro punches him away. Luke Gallows distracts Cesaro, so Anderson kicks him to the floor. 

We come back from the break to see Cesaro fight up from a chin lock and elbow out. Anderson clubs him and goes for a suplex, but Cesaro blocks it and deadlifts him up for a suplex. Cesaro uppercuts him back before sending him to the corner. Anderson sidesteps him and kicks him in the chest for a near fall. Anderson immediately hits the ropes for a clothesline to pick up another near fall. Anderson then goes back to the chin lock. Cesaro fights up and sends him to the corner before giving him an uppercut. Cesaro hits a second uppercut before hitting a flurry of them. Anderson reverses a whip, but Cesaro scales the ropes and hits an impressive springboard cross-body block for a near fall!
Cesaro signals for a swing, but Gallows gets on the apron. Sheamus flies off commentary to run down. Anderson hits Cesaro with a spinebuster for a near fall. Anderson lift him up, but Cesaro slides off, ducks a clothesline, and hits a springboard corkscrew uppercut for a near fall. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer, but Anderson counters out. Cesaro counters that into a swing attempt, but Anderson gets to the bottom rope. Cesaro boots him back, but Anderson takes him down with a running knee. Anderson sends him to the corner, but Cesaro places him on the top rope and connects with a dropkick. Cesaro then hits an uppercut that sends him to the mat for a near fall. Cesaro goes for a superplex. Gallows gets on the apron, so Sheamus pulls him off. This shakes the ropes, which crotches Cesaro on the ropes. Anderson follows up with a flying neckbreaker off the top rope for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Karl Anderson

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