Monday, January 2, 2017

WWE RAW Results January 2, 2017 "Last Man Standing Match Sami Zayn vs. Braun Strowman"

Sami Zayn is sporting a black eye. Zayn quickly ducks Strowman and jabs him in the face. Strowman slowly approaches him, but Zayn punches him again. Zayn gets out of the ring and runs over to the timekeeper’s area. Strowman follows, and Zayn starts smacking him with a kendo stick. Zayn beats him into the ring before Strowman takes it away from him and breaks it over his knee. Strowman throws him across the ring and yells. Zayn falls out of the ring. Strowman follows him out, and Zayn finds a second kendo stick and starts beating him with it. Strowman takes it away from him. Zayn runs to the barricade and leaps up to do a moonsault block, but Strowman catches him and drops him onto the barricade. The referee begins counting Zayn down, but he’s up at six. Strowman charges, but Zayn moves, causing him to hit the ring post. Strowman is stunned. Zayn sends him into the ring post two more times. Welts are covering Strowman’s back. Zayn dives through the bottom and middle turnbuckles for his patented DDT, but Strowman forearms him in the face! Zayn gets up and in the ring at six. Strowman avalanches him in the corner, and the count begins again. Zayn soon gets up, but Strowman punches him back down. Zayn slowly gets up, but Strowman clotheslines him back down. Zayn gets up, but Strowman just as quickly runs him over with a shoulder block. Strowman sends him into the ropes, but Zayn comes back with a clothesline. Strowman doesn’t go down. Zayn hits the ropes again, but Strowman clotheslines him down. Strowman maniacally smiles while Zayn writhes around on the mat. Zayn rolls out of the ring.
We come back from the break to see Strowman throw Zayn off the ramp in front of the commentary table. Strowman talks some trash before sending him face-first into the table. Strowman swats him back and clubs away at the chest. Strowman rolls a crate into him and throws him backstage. Zayn grabs a lead pipe and smacks him with it a few times before Strowman grabs it and throws it away. It doesn’t clang on the ground. Strowman throws him onto some equipment boxes and throws one, but Zayn moves. Zayn boots him in the face, hits a flying forearm, grabs a steel chair and smacks him with it a few times. Zayn follows him back out to the arena and peppers him with more chair shots. Finally, Strowman grabs him and throws him onto the stage. Strowman steps on the chair and sends him into the LED boards a few times. Strowman scoops him up, but Zayn slides off and hits him with the steel chair again. Zayn stumbles him to the edge of the stage. Strowman grabs the chair, but Zayn boots it into his face and takes him off the stage and through some tables with a cross-body block! The referee is counting Strowman down, but he’s up at four.
Zayn hits him with some more chair shots before Strowman lifts him up to the stage by the chair. Zayn goes flying. Strowman runs him over with a weak looking shoulder block. Strowman then powerslams him at ringside! Zayn somehow gets up at nine. Strowman immediately knees away at him to take him back down. Zayn makes like he’s going to get up, so Strowman continues to punch away at his midsection. At six, Zayn seems like he’s going to get up, so Strowman grabs him. Strowman viciously powerslams him on the floor again. The referee finally counts Zayn down.

Winner: Braun Strowman

The referee calls EMTs down. Mick Foley is with them. Foley angrily looks at Strowman before going over to Sami Zayn, who hasn’t moved since the powerslam. Replays are shown of the highlights of the match. The EMTs load him onto the stretcher, so Strowman knocks it over. Strowman scoops him up and swings him into the barricade. Foley looks furious.

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