Monday, January 2, 2017

WWE RAW Results January 2, 2017 "Xavier Woods w/ The New Day vs. Titus O’Neil"

The bell rings, and Woods dropkicks him in the knee before kicking away at him. O’Neil cuts him off and sends him into the ropes, but Woods comes back with some right hands. O’Neil big boots him down before putting him in the corner for some strikes. O’Neil scoop slams him down for a two count. O’Neil talks trash to The New Day at ringside while applying a chin lock. Woods fights up, but O’Neil slams him down. O’Neil puts a foot on the chest for a one count. O’Neil reapplies the chin lock, but Woods fights up, kicks him, and hits a body block. Woods kicks away at him, but O’Neil sends him to the apron. Woods kicks him in the face and pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Woods hits the ropes and hits a summersault senton! Woods gets him into the ring for a two count. The crowd is distracted by a Hulk Hogan impersonator. Woods comes off the top rope with a cross-body block, but O’Neil catches him and hits some ring breakers. Woods comes back with a sunset flip for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Xavier Woods

The New Day mocks Titus O’Neil from ringside before walking off.

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